Smart Band Vs Smart Watch

Smart Band Vs Smart Watch

This is the future we have all been looking forward to. Now, we have cell phone interactions, health monitors, GPS, Map, Internet, time, date, and so many more sitting right on our wrists. We cannot really stay away from these convenient pieces of equipment forever, can we? It will be like the sin of the century! So, naturally, you and we are here - we have written, and you are reading this article. You want to know which one is better for you. Please, keep in mind, there is no better or worse device, only if it does or does not suit your needs. This means a great piece of equipment will be like a piece of rock if that does not satisfy your needs.

Therefore, we will try to compare various generic features of a band and a smart watch. From this, hopefully, you will be able to find out which one will satisfy your need the most.

Wearable positions:

Let us just start with the position where we actually wear these two devices. Well, of course, we wear them on our wrists unless there is a device, be it a band or a smart watch. There are fitness trackers which are specially made to wear on your ankles. So, unless you want them, you will most probably end up buying one that you can wear on your wrists - both band and smartwatch.

Smartwatch Vs Smart band Features:

  1. Regarding time telling, both smartwatches and smart bands show the same.
  2. There are fitness features like pedometer, heart-rate monitor and such are common in both.
  3. You can sync both devices with your smartphone via a companion app.
  4. Design, screen sizes, thickness, weight, etc., can vary. Smartwatches tend to have bigger and wider displays than the smart bands. Smartwatches are also very expensive.
  5. The main difference is the ability to communicate. Smartwatches can help you call. There are some smartwatches where you can install sim cards. But you cannot do this with a band. 
  6. Displays of Smartwatches are more vibrant, and watchfaces are very colorful. The smart bands do not have that kind of thing.
  7. You can find complex functions on smartwatches like the internet, wifi, GPS, camera, and various other workout settings, but that is not true with smart bands all the time, not at least at the same level. Bands are cheaper so, you will not find all functions with the same level of variety.


If you look at both smartwatch and smart band, you will see some physical differences. These are to be expected because of the price difference. Cheaper things will give you less by default. But there are more features and usage differences that you will only understand if you start using one of them. If you are in the market for one of them, you will have to take a look into your wallet first.

A minimum for smartwatch will be too big of a sum for the best smart band out there. If you cannot afford a smartwatch then you can at least settle for a smart band. We hope you have got your answer. 


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